Monday, January 30, 2012

Random Rambling: Part Deux!

 - Stephen King makes a very neat point in his book "On Writing". I thought I'd share it with you:
"And here we go - actual telepathy in action. You'll notice that I have nothing up my sleeves and that my lips never move. Neither, most likely, do yours.
Look - here's a table covered with a red cloth. On it is a cage the size of a small fish aquarium. In the cage is a white rabbit with a pink nose and pink-rimmed eyes. In its front paws is a carrot-stub upon which it is contentedly munching. On its back, clearly marked in blue ink, is the numeral 8.
...This is what we're looking at, and we all see it. I didn't tell you. You didn't ask me. I never opened my mouth and you never opened yours. We're not even in the same year together, let alone the same room...except we are together. We're close.
We're having a meeting of the minds.
I sent you a table with a red cloth on it, a cage, a rabbit, and the number eight in blue ink. You got them all, especially that blue eight. We've engaged in an act of telepathy. No mythy-mountain shit; real telepathy."

 -You know on windy days when the wind swirls the leaves into the air like a mini-leaf-tornado? I want to get my picture taken in the middle of one of those, holding out my arms like I'm creating it.

- Screamo is music stuck on caps lock.

- One of the few bonuses of winter is that your car turns into a refrigerator.

- I define a good driver as one who drives not to wreck (i.e. careless), and makes sure the other drivers won't wreck into you. I'm a good driver mainly because of one thing: I avoid possible scenarios where an accident could occur. I'm not saying I'm never in a position where a wreck could occur - I'm saying I make a conscious effort to reduce the chance of an accident. For example: there is a car coming up behind you in the next lane, and they're speeding up to pass you, but the car in front of them is going too slow and the fast car is approaching quickly - I'll slow down a bit so there's enough room for them to switch lanes. I've seen people cut off by a mere few feet in this scenario because they don't observe this happening in the next lane (I have even done it myself a couple times, but I don't anymore), and why chance that dumbass in the next lane misjudging the distance and clipping you?

-I think, if for some reason I died young in an accident or something, I'd want my tombstone to say something cryptic, like..."Always check your toilet for spiders".

- Looking back on my childhood, I wish I had taken pictures of all my possessions (toys, clothes, books, other random gatherings), cause I often get hit with a wave of nostalgia for something and it triggers a childhood memory. Case in point, a watch I used to own randomly popped into my head (I think it was a Taz watch), and I wanted to see it again. So I think when I have kids, I'm gonna keep an album of most of their possessions, in case one day they want to visit them again.

- I want to learn how to play piano and guitar, and create a giant song that is composed of my favorite sections of songs.

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