Thursday, May 5, 2011

"the funniest guy she knew"

This is a conversation I had with my sister via text messages.

Me: Is it possible to place cameras in my eyeballs and be able to take pictures with them by thinking a certain phrase? (sent to Facebook as status update)
Sis: I thought about putting cameras in my eyes cuz all the pics i take never do what my eyes see justice.
Me: Haha ive always wanted to do this. Id give them to my dog too, but id have to have some sort of remote so i could turn it on and take stop-motion pics lol.
Sis: Haha i wish they could really do that. Still pics and video :) then i could show everyone all these weird ufos i see all the time - my camera cant see at night :(
Me: Yeah thats a dilemma haha
Sis: Suxs. But then everyone could see what i saw. the ultimate "in her shoes"
Me: Haha youd have to change it to "in her head"
Sis: Haha true. True
Me: True blood. Bloody mary. Mary without a sound. *what has search overload done to us?!*
Sis: Hahahaha omg. its called bing. and youre done. Bing.
Me: Bing. Sing. Sting. Jerry Seinfeld.
Sis: .....
Me: It works, sting was in a movie with jerry seinfeld.
Sis: Sure it i wouldnt know
Me: Bee movie
Sis: Ah. I always forget about that lol
Me: Yep. Watch your step, i dont want you to trip on that knowledge i just dropped
Sis: Lmao...i love you haha
Me: Love ya too
Sis: You crack me up :)
Me: Thats always good to hear lol
Sis: Lol you always crack me up. Youre the funniest guy i know
Me: That settles it. Thats whats gonna be on my tombstone. "the funniest guy she ever knew". and just that, not even my name haha
Sis: Ill accept that :) that and calvin and hobbes' pic. Itll confuse the hell outta ppl
Me: Haha nice touch
Sis: *bows* thanx :)

[post composed listening to "Queen of Hearts" - RIBS]

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for telling me this was on here :) I started laughing as soon as I saw the title. <3
