Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Favorite Compliment - an original poem

Today I heard a compliment
from a lady unknown to me.
She paid me well, cause she could see
I was something of a gent'.

I was only myself, what was they key
that left her such an impression?
And as if I had just asked that question
she said the key was me.

Her smilin' eyes revealed she was sure
in her perception and reason,
and that intuitive female feelin'
told her I was made of good nature.

Though not much has entered this head,
out of all the advice and wisdom
(and the feel of a woman's bosom)
her words I'll keep 'til I'm dead.


  1. i loved this!!!! you get your poetic talent from me of course!!!! very damn proud of you!

  2. Ok, sorry this too so long to get to but damn!!! You are an amazing poet and to keep your head from getting too big, I must add that I posted a quote from Dale Carnegie just the other day: "Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime." It's my sisterly duty.
    That being said, I'm glad you run into people of that nature and that aspect of you is obvious to the point that the general public can see it. I never get tired of showing the world my love for you and telling others how proud I am to call you my little brother. :)

  3. thank you mom and reann :)

    i was partially inspired by calvin and hobbes' poems, at least for the format of this one. the content just kinda came to me in a spur-of-the-moment deal. but im glad you all enjoyed it
