Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Random Rambling

- I really dislike it when I'm driving through a parking lot, see a space between two cars that I think is open, only to discover there is already a damn Volkswagen Beetle in it.

- It would be bad to be cursed, for sure. But what if you were cursed so every time you took a bite of food you had to chew 10 times? I don't think I'd be able to eat ice cream anymore.

- I find some people funny-looking. I feel bad for laughing at them because I shouldn't judge someone like that, especially on something as trivial as looks, and ones they can't really do anything about to boot. Having said that, some people look friggin' hilarious.

- A blank page can be your best friend or your worst enemy. (I hope no one famous has said this before, cause I'd rather like having credit for it.)

- When I'm driving and changing lanes, I make it a game to see if I can make it through to the next lane without running over any of the road reflectors.

[post composed listening to "Young Folks" - Peter Bjorn and John]


  1. Hahaha, love reading how your mind works! You are one kewl dude my son :*

  2. Hey brother, if I've learned anything being over here in Afghanistan it's that those little moments of randomness get you through life. Whether funny or just interesting sometimes that is what it is to get you through the day. Keep posting dude!

  3. Your Kick-ass SisterOctober 8, 2011 at 11:39 PM

    Our minds are too alike....and I googled that "quote" and I did not find anyone who'd said it first. (though truth be told, I pulled a Hippie and only looked at the first page ;)
    So kudos, credit is yours!
