Thursday, March 17, 2011

A question to ponder

I don't think it would be a stretch to assume most people like music. Sure, there would be varying tastes of music as you go along, but in general most people enjoy having their ears stimulated.

So my question is this - what makes humans so partial to music? And more specifically, certain types of music? Is it a case of Nature vs. Nurture? Personal taste? Genetics?

Or is it that humans need to have all their senses stimulated, and music simply fits the bill for the hearing sense? And if that is the case, why do we need this stimulation? Would personalities be radically different if there were no music in the world?

[post composed listening to "Skeletons" - Yeah Yeah Yeah's]


  1. music not only stimulates the ears but the mind as well. a song can bring back memories, both good and bad. music can make you happy, bring you out of a funk or just allow you to have a good time with it. i cannot imagine a world without music. how concerts, no stereos.... listening to music is a great way to pass the time

  2. "a song can bring back memories, both good and bad"

    i love this aspect of music! and just memory in general haha, how random things trigger memories.

    and a world without music would be a sad world
