Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why I don't care for Bob Dylan

Ok, I had this discussion the other day. What draws me to a song is a mixture of the sound of the music and the sound of the singer - NOT what they are singing, but how they are singing it.

So, I am not a big fan of Bob Dylan. Sure, I respect the guy. Apparently he has been a big influence on just about every musician since he came around. But I really don't care for his voice, and his guitar playing (on the few songs I've heard) just doesn't cut it for me. There are songs I like where the singer is so-so but the music is awesome, or the music is so-so but the singer is entrancing. Bobby D, unfortunately, is a so-so musician and singer (to my ears).

When I pointed out this view to my friend, she said "but his lyrics are poetry!". To this, I respond: "if I want to care about what someone is saying, I'll read their words." I dig music for the feeling it gives me, and sometimes words can't deliver.

[post composed listening to "Wake Up" - Arcade Fire]


  1. Totally agree, very good topic, I think that music is something people are almost as equally passionate as they are about politics and religion.
    I would like to see you write more topics like this, its a very unique thought provoker.... anyone can kick a hornets nest up or stir controversy by talking about politics of personal beliefs, but music is an intimate topic that makes for very intriguing conversations
    Good job bud, kudos to you good sir
    btw you aren't the only one who doesnt like Bob Dylan, im right there with you, I just dont get the fascination

  2. Bob Dylan is a man of words. The music is secondary. So if you're not a lyric lover or word-o-phile or a fan of poetry then you probably won't ever have an appreciation of Dylan. He was a mover and a revolutionist in his day. But his singing is definitely an aquired taste. I'm not a big fan of his singing voice but his words are moving and evocative. He provided a soundtrack for his generation.

  3. I'm not a big fan of listening to Bob, I am however a fan of his lyrics. I prefer to read his music rather than listen to him sing/play it.
    That being said, music to me is something I enjoy being connected to. I have few true favorites because as long as it has a good beat and the lyrics flow I enjoy it. Although I must say, no one will ever top the Beatles(for me).
