Monday, March 14, 2011

Random things I sometimes do

- hear a phrase that sounds similar to a song lyric, and then start playing that song in my head. or, hear a phrase that sounds like a movie quote, and then think of the movie quote.
- start thinking in a narrative, memoir-ish voice, mainly after i have an idea that i think might make it big. (ex: this was the moment he realized he was onto something)
- make random noises at animals in hopes of somehow communicating with them.
- play out possible scenarios to things in my head (like after having an animal speak to me, what kinds of shenanigans we could get in to)
- when i listen to a song, sometimes i will mimic the timing of my actions with the music (so i can shut a door when a cymbal crashes, or step in rhythm with the bass pedal, etc)

thats all i got for right now, but i will definitely have sequels to this post.

[post composed listening to "Ocean" - John Butler]

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